Spring WebFlux is a reactive-stack web framework, part of Spring 5, fully non-blocking and runs on such servers as Netty, Undertow, and Servlet 3.1+ containers

This guide will give you the steps to build a non-blocking web API with Spring WebFlux in a Spring Boot project

What you'll need

  • JDK 8+ or OpenJDK 8+
  • Maven 3+

Init project structure

You can create and init a new Spring Boot project by using Spring CLI or Spring Initializr. Learn more about using these tools at here

The final project structure as below

├── src
│   └── main
│       ├── java
│       │   └── com
│       │       └── hellokoding
│       │           └── spring
│       │               ├── HelloApplication.java
│       │               ├── HelloHandler.java
│       │               └── HelloRouter.java
│       └── resources
│           ├── static
│           ├── templates
│           └── application.properties
└── pom.xml

Project dependencies

Add spring-boot-starter-webflux into your project as a dependency on pom.xml or build.gradle file. The library versions can be omitted as it is resolved by the parent pom provided by Spring Boot


You can find the full pom.xml file as below

Define a reactive API handler

The handler method declaration is defined by HandlerFunction, a functional interface in Spring, as below

package org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server;  
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

public interface HandlerFunction<T extends ServerResponse> {  
    Mono<T> handle(ServerRequest request);

Define a reactive API router

Here we route GET requests for "/hello" to the hello method in helloHandler object

Define application bootstrap

Run and Test

You can run the application by typing the following command on the terminal console at the project root directory

$ mvn clean spring-boot:run

You would see this text in the console

o.s.b.web.embedded.netty.NettyWebServer  : Netty started on port(s): 8080  

Access to http://localhost:8080/hello on your web browser, the following response is expected

Hello, Spring WebFlux!


In this tutorial, we learned to build a reactive web API by using Spring WebFlux in a Spring Boot project. You can find the full source code on GitHub

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Van N.

Van N. is a software engineer, creator of HelloKoding. He loves coding, blogging, and traveling. You may find him on GitHub and LinkedIn